Tax Preparation & Bookkeeping for Businesses in NYC
Dear Fellow Business Owner,
Every year, without exception, small business owners like you overpay taxes. But believe it or not, some small business owners legally pay a whole lot less in taxes than others
Many businesses think about taxes when it’s already too late, to save money on their taxes. And, it is that reactive approach that can cause you to overpay…sometimes significantly on your taxes…sometimes for years. I mean, how would you ever know? Really. Most small business owners are just happy to get their taxes done on time and, hopefully, accurately enough that red flags aren’t sent up for the IRS.
Would you like to know how VJN Associates can help?
When small business owners come to us, I re-examine their past three years of tax returns, and more often than not, we find lots of mistakes, missed deductions, overpayments and “red flags” that attract audits, At the end of the day, that means money out of your pocket.
At VJN Associates, We specialize in helping independent professionals and small business owners get out from under government paperwork and red tape…..improve profits and take-home pay….reduce taxes……make their businesses more valuable.